Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Are pharmacists licensed to work anywhere in the US or just 1 state

Are pharmacists licensed to work anywhere in the US or just 1 state?
I have to get a paper signed by a pharmacist licensed to work in the state of Washington and I dont know a pharmacist that works in washington but I know a few in ohio, are all pharmacists licensed to work in any state or just 1 state?
Medicine - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Pharmacists take a board exam for one state, if they want to be licensed in another state they have to take a law exam for that state, and fork over about 700 dollars in cash for the papers to get shuffled.
2 :
to work in a state you must have a license their, so you can only work in the state you have a license in.
3 :
This is a question I would expect even a first year pharmacy student would be able to answer. The license is granted by the state, and you can only work in a state you have a license in.