Monday, November 7, 2011

Tax questions about living in oregon and working in washington

Tax questions about living in oregon and working in washington?
I am moving to Portland Oregon and will be working in Vancover Washington as a massage therapist. What is the deal with paying income tax to Oregon if I am working in Washington? How do I go about it? Do I have to withhold my own taxes?
United States - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It looks like you have to pay an estimated tax. I would say withhold your own taxes, but first talk to your employer. If you are close to the border, I they deal with this all the time and may even have a system set up with Oregon to withhold taxes.
2 :
IT depends on who does your payroll. When I lived in Portland and worked at the Fred Meyer store in Vancouver, the payroll department automatically took out Oregon taxes based on my address listed with the payroll department. I still had to file with Oregon State at the end of the year as normal, I didn't have to file anything with Washington they didnt affect my pay at all, just Federal and Oregon.