Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Do others find that the American Dream is a lie

Do others find that the American Dream is a lie?
I know that the American Dream means different things to different people. But in most part - it means financial success and opportunity in America-this is the definition I will use here. So can someone who did everything right- got a dual degree in college, had a great military career, and two master degrees (MPA/Management and Computer Studies/Liberal Arts). I make a cool $40k a year with a family of four. America is not the land of opportunity. There are jobs-plenty of jobs at Mickey Ds or changing oil at Quick Lube. I was out of work for 7 months! I lost my house to foreclosure, I have thousand of debt due to not having any money. And if I see one more financial expert on TV telling us to cut expenses - I guess I can cut out food, gas, and shelter. Or they make out everyone in financial trouble as being financially unworthy-we should just juggle our portfolios around-maybe sell our vacation home. Or if there is one more luxury car commercial telling me I can lease a new Mercedes Benz I think I will go postal. I was told coming from a working class family that education was the key along with hard work. I have done both. Now I have loan debt I can not pay and a family living on food stamps-which ran out because they gave me only$297 a month! How can a family eat on $297 a month? This election is for us to vote for one elite group over the other. One promises lower taxes and the other big brother to help us. But without good paying jobs there is nothing!!! Pat Buchanan in his book "Day of Reckoning" states some facts that I would have never believed years ago. Free Trade as the globalists and corporate American wants is nothing but the rich getting richer-shipping good jobs over seas-ruining our country's power to produce products- and killing the American Dream. You got to read that book even if your liberal-he makes the case against this neo-conservative bs and very liberal policies. I have a great track record -experience-leadership-education-ability to get things done. What does corporate Amerika want? Some out of college Ken or Barbie or can only nod "yes" to their corporate masters. Still what happened to the American Dreams? Can some one tell me? Please do not tell me to trust in God that all will be well unless God is going to pay my rent. I need cash. At this point I would put a cap in a brother to make a dollar. Isn't that so sad to be driven to the point of pawning your cloths for money? Maybe I can get my old lady to sell it on the streets! Some days I pray that the world would just end so the pain and stress would be over. We need to turn this pain to action.
Other - Careers & Employment - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well, fair for the rich, and unfair for the ppor. Isn't that what it's like for every country?
2 :
There are still better jobs than McDs out there. I have a BSBA in Bus admin, I make 50k+ per year, I get a company car... Its hard. Im barely making ends meet, buried in student loans and credit cards, but there is a way. What we need is a little help for us in the middle. They say we cant make jobs and that rich people need more money. The fact is, I have business plan and an idea for what I want to do tostart a business but cannot get a loan or save enough money to do it on my own. The Obama plan to re-energize this country from the bottom up, while not perfect, is what I see as the best bet to help me live my american Dream.
3 :
Trust in God. All will be well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sppIUROLies . .
4 :
I am sorry your life sucks maybe you ought to go somewhere where you mean nothing and are able to eat maybe toast for your only meal that day. The good thing is that if you don't like life here then change it. Clearly you would be making more money at Walmart so go do that. Or waiters make bank too.
5 :
To an extent yes, but I mean there are worse places out there. America is selling themselves out by encouraging businesses to go overseas by giving them tax cuts. I wouldn't mind taxes if the money was used in an efficient manner. The financial experts only tell you to cut it, if you don't need that expense, i.e cable bill, restaurant bill, use coupons and etc.
6 :
Preach!! Preach!!! The American dream is a big fat lie!! I love your post!!! I keep telling people the damn government doesnt give a rats a** about people who have lost their homes due to forclosure, who are out of jobs because of layoffs, who are struggling just to put food on the table. Thats f__ing said that your family ran out of food stamps and with grocery prices so high no a family of four cannot eat on $297 a month. You know who cares??? People that want to help, but are in no position to. The people that can help and do something about it they dont give a damn(oh wait thats the government). They dont have to worry about a damn thing because the are living really good. Having a college degree does not guarantee a great job or more money. There are lots of people with college degrees working in fast food joints or some low paying crappy job because they cant find jobs. You have two masters degrees and you only make $40,000???????? That sounds crazy. A family of four cant survive on that salary. I hope you dont have to pawn your clothes for money. Yes if the world did end your pain and suffering would be over. I dont think its going to end anytime soon though. The American dream died a loooong time ago ( from the 18th to 20th century, the beginning of America). I believe at one point in time America was the land of opportunity in these days and times it is not. The only people that have it good are the wealthy people. I read the poor and rich gap is growing fast in America. I wish I could help you in some way. No God is not going to magically pay your rent, but you can pray for him to find a way to help you pay your rent. Yeah you could be a waiter for a while. I know older people who are in their 30's and 40's waiting on tables and they have families too. Some job is better than no job. Get your wife to work as well.
7 :
First, let me say I'm sorry you've run on hard times. You and I are in similar position - I've got my degrees, didn't do the military (you have my respect for that, sir) and worked my way up, up and up, until the firm I was at didn't do what they should've been doing (getting more work) and laid off about 70 people. I've come to find that the corporate officers gave themselves a nice little bonus for keeping the company solvent. A bonus that would equal my salary for about four years (for each person). This is obscene in these times that these people would accept this, but greed will win out in the end I guess. I'm for capitalism and getting what you're worth, but to do so at the painful expense of others is criminal in my opinion. I have to say, I've been fortunate that I still have my home, but things are tight. But to answer your question, the American Dream is still there, but for some it has turned into a nightmare. I know this will ring hollow, but keep your chin up, and know that many of us are in this with you. Good luck to you.
8 :
Security is an illusion. Welcome to reality. If you trust in yourself, you can survive (maybe).
9 :
Yes. It's a lie that only successful people are worthy of the fruits of success particulary when the definition of success is so narrow. Look at how we treat the people that work the hardest. It kills me how much entertainers make. I'm talking about the ones that aren't talented or that don't seem to put in much effort. Clinton did a lot of damage and he is a blue dog democrat. He is appeasing to Republicans. I don't think Obama will be able to do what is truly needed. It will be a step in the right direction. You should start a business but with what money? Isn't that key? I would love to start my own business. I need money and time of which I am really short. In college, I worked for a family friend that got laid off and was fortunate enough to be able to start a drycleaning business. He said that he did so because he couldn't find work. He was in business management. He and his wife served in the Military. Great people. edit: Network. You may have to move. Contact employment agencies in your area. Volunteer because it could lead to more opportunities.
10 :
Maybe some of you just need to live outside the states for a while. I lived in Chile for a few years then came back. There, the government make it nearly impossible to get ahead. I came back to the states, and I got my degree in construction management (nothing fancy-but it is specialized). I work my butt off and my first year out of school I am pulling in about 85K. I am not saying this to brag, but I am saying that opportunity still exists if you find yourself a niche and distinguish yourself from the crowd. Anyone can make a good living if they are creative, innovative, or just willing to go balls out and work. Don't give up on America. If you don't think that we are living in the land of opportunity, go live somewhere else for a few years, then you will appreciate what you have.
11 :
I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation. However, I don't think the American Dream is a lie. I think it is misunderstood. The American Dream is not a law, formula, or a guarantee. It does mean do X and you will receive Y. The American Dream means that the opportunity to advance oneself exists and has few if any governmental barriers. It means that this country is as close to a meritocracy as possible (i.e. those that generate the value, receive the rewards). Education (like any other qualification) only gets your foot in the door. It opens up opportunity, but does not guarantee success. Hard work is a great thing and strong work ethic is valuable to most companies, but it is secondary. The cold realities of business mean that companies, at least amongst the rank & file, do not reward effort - they reward results. If you can't find a job that pays what you need to comfortably support you lifestyle (yes, children are a lifestyle decision), then you have a couple options: 1) take whatever work you can and keep looking for (better yet, try generating) opportunity, or 2) strike out on your own if you can (that's the crux of American Dream right there... the freedom to take the hardest road and do it on your own). Government is neither the problem nor the answer. No matter what changes people try to sell, there will always be a "system" in place. How you adapt and work within (or rebel against) will determine your own station in life.