I am wondering because my college's student union has bad cell phone reception. I am on the SGA and I would like to know what kind of technologies we can use to improve service.
Cell Phones & Plans - 3 Answers
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1 :
The only way to get reception in a tunnel is to put a bunch of antennas in the tunnel. If you want to boost signal then you need to put more antennas in and don't space them as far apart.
2 :
There are a series of repeaters. What they do is grab the signal from a nearby tower and and shoot a longer range than the original tower. They are cheaper than putting another transmitter (tower), and they don't require near the power supply, data connection, and/or space to operate. However, obviously, they don't have the range of the towers. Contact your provider, they will often report the less than desirable coverage and dispatch an engineer to check to see if anything can be done to improve it.
3 :
As far as I know, Verizon is the only provider who has service in the tunnels. I use my cell all of the time down there.