Saturday, April 21, 2012

Live in NYC and commuting daily to Washington, DC for work: doable

Live in NYC and commuting daily to Washington, DC for work: doable?
I currently live in NYC and I found a job in the DC area and I was wondering if the commute is doable daily back and forth? It is 4 hours and starts at 10 am so I can leave NYC at 6 am and ends at 4 pm so I can get home at 8-ish. How is the drive down I-95? Would you recommend it?
New York City - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
8 hours commuting for 8 hours of work? Insanity. Telecommute or move.
2 :
That is insane. Its a 7+ hour drive depending on traffic. I would say move to maryland
3 :
No It's not doable at all if you're driving . If you clear the Lincoln Tunnel at 6:00 AM sooner or later on your way south you're gonna hit some big city's inbound rush hour traffic On the return the opposite happens ;first you gotta deal with outbound DC traffic and then you gotta deal with outbound Baltimore traffic Then there is the NJTPK and all of it's legendary traffic jams to contend with If your job pays well enough to use Amtrak 2x day it may be worth the time But no way in H can do you do it if you're driving
4 :
8 hrs on the road round trip, and 8 hours at work? no it's not doable. you will be totally exhausted. and this is the assumption if traffic is good. my suggestion is either move to d.c. or find another job
5 :
Not recommended at all. Among many other problems, the cost of gas and tolls and wear on your car would be extremely high.