Friday, August 7, 2009

rap "music" is evil and spreads propaganda and deserves to be banned

rap "music" is evil and spreads propaganda and deserves to be banned?
rap "music," in addition to making ears bleed, also spreads anti-US propaganda. this is probably the reason why it should be banned. Examples: 2Pac, "Words of Wisdom" (weird, a rap song is basically the opposite): AMERIKA, AMERIKA, AMERIKKKA I charge you with the crime of rape, murder, and assault For suppressing and punishing my people I charge you with robbery for robbing me of my history I charge you with false imprisonment for keeping me Trapped in the projects WTF? That's messed up. The reason you dumbf**ks are trapped in the projects is that you lazy motherf**kers won't work. You won't get out of the ghetto by just sitting there, you know. N.W.A., "F**k tha Police" (Need I say more?) Biggest rappers who have spreaded anti-US propaganda: Nas Jay-Z N.W.A. (all 5 members) (it stands for N**gaz with Attitudes, wtf?) 2Pac Kanye West I think this is finally our chance to ban rap. Those heinous songs are not freedom of speech, it's just PLAIN SLANDER. Rap should be banned 'cause of this, AND for the fact that it is a useless pile of crap. Remember, rock>pop>whale s**t>rap. You with me? Freedom of speech? WTF? Spreading false rumors about the US is NOT freedom of speech. P.S. just joking about ears bleeding. But I'm pretty sure someone's ears got injured by rap, because stupid wannabe gangster teenagers bang that crap out of their cars.
Rock and Pop - 17 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yes! o-wait a minute, i forgot about that lil' ol' freedom of speech thing. i dont listen to rap but if that is how they feel, then whatever! i choose not to hear it, thats all! but you were crackin me up! Kanye is the worst! imo
2 :
I have a unique idea-If you don't like it, don't listen to it. There is a neat little gadget on your radio called the on/off switch, use it. I personally hate rap/hip-hop music, too, but it cannot be banned. If everyone ignores it, it will go away.
3 :
if you don't like it don't listen to it they're only expressing themselves through music
4 :
I'm not a fan of rap music but a line of the 2Pac song has got a point as he's rapping about the America slave trade (I charge you with robbery for robbing me of my history).
5 :
I can also give you tons of rock songs that spread the same message. If you don't have anything to criticize, you shouldn't be making music.
6 :
I'm disgusted that I live in the same country as you. edit: nooo but seriously 10/10. i'm PISSSSSED
7 :
I don't really like rap; however, I'm an anarchist, so I have no problem hating on the government. XD
8 :
I defy you to cite one example wherein someones ears actually bled from listening to rap.
9 :
I kinda know what you mean, I HATE gangster rap, but honestly, there actually IS good rap out there under all the junk, just as there is good other genre music under the crap. Stop judging a genre just by some bad artist/songs. Also, they're free to express themselves, so you can't do anything about it. Some of the stuff they do rap about disgusts me beyond belief but I still manage to keep from generalizing the whole.
10 :
I am and I'm not. I agree with your dislike of the genre, you seem to have delved deeper than I would care to and you seem to have substance in your argument. Then again, you talk of banning this tripe. I remember the calls to burn Heavy Metal records years ago. Rock music is poisoning the youth and all the rest of it. Music evolves and mutates, but each genre defines it's generation. We were the rebellious rockers, these days, we have what your question addresses. Yes, indeed it does make my Rocking ears bleed, it is also a call to the youth against conformity and authority. Sounds a bit like the British punk movement of the 1970's. Unpopular government of the day, massive unemployment and widespread poverty lead to popularity of The Sex Pistols which evolved into The Clash, The Damned etc. Each new genre brings it's own idiocy. The punks were sniffing glue, the Metal heads ruined their 33's by playing albums backwards for hidden messages and today, well these role models are facing gun crime allegations and what do you know? London and Manchester are rife with shootings. I think they call it, a sign of the times.
11 :
first of all, taste is subjective there are some really talented rappers who have very intelligent things to say and not so talented rappers. There are horrible rock bands who sing about nothing but mindless cr@p and others who do not. there are good/bad/intelligent/unintelligent artists in all music genres. Second of all, If you love america so much then why are you wanting to violate the constitution here is a direct quote from the constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." pay attention to the line: "congress shall make no law .... prohibiting the free excercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech." Those rap "musicians" are more patriotic than you because they are exercising their constitutional right to free speech. whereas you are making yourself like a totalitarianist (if you dint know that that word means, go buy a dictionary, I'm sure you could use one) by wanting to stifle peoples freedom. It is people who have the same mindset as yourself who limit the freedoms of american citizens Thirdly: if you do not like something that someone is doing that does not directly affect you. Ignore it! how does their viewpoint effect you at all? why should you care?
12 :
First answerer is right: Freedom of speech. Rap is repetitive and dull, therefore I choose not to listen to 99% of it. There's your freedom of choice, change the station. F*** the Police is pretty accurate though on a social level. I don't know how the police are where you're from, but that describes the police well here. edit: Please give an example of those false rumors.
13 :
get over yourself. if u don`t like rap music don`t listen to it. who are you to judge other people and decide what music is or is not appropriate. we all have a right to express ourselves. just like the rappers have a right to express themselves through music you have a right to say how you feel. (even if your opinion is ignorant, racist, and kinda stupid) if you listen closely to other genres of music you will see that plenty of them have lyrical continent similar to that of rap music. so uhh good luck getting rap music banned and good luck with your control issues.
14 :
if you say so.#
15 :
If you don't understand rap music, don't attack it. obviously you have never heard of poverty and police brutality. When someone lives in the projects, you cant just get up and leave or get a job. the reason why is because not everyone has money. as for jobs, believe it or not, there aren't many jobs in the projects. when people are mistreated and faced with poverty do expect them to just not care? no, they are gonna try to get through it. the reason you don't understand the 2pac lyrics is obviously because you have obviously never heard of slavery or poverty, so therefore you don't believe it. As fo F*** the police, do you honestly think that if you live in the ghetto and police beat you because of the color of your skin, that some people won't retaliate? i'm not mad, it's just that i don't like people attacking rap when they don't understand it.
16 :
Only close minded people say things like this about rap.
17 :
Before you make uneducated attacks you should actually try to listen to the music and UNDERSTAND the lyrics. The Tupac line he's definitely talking about slavery. I wanna know what anti-US propaganda has been spread by any of the 5 artists you mentioned. And saying f*ck the police isn't propaganda, its people being tired of being treated like shit all the time. Do you think cops really care about all the people killed in Compton? Do you really think they investigate and send out detectives to find what happened? or do they just chock it up to gang violence? And about the people in projects, a lot of what you've stated is propaganda. That's the stereotype of a rundown project, but it's not always like that. People work hard everyday and are still trapped in a project because they still don't make enough to move out. You can't seriously believe that everyone in the projects are lazy mother fu**ers that don't wanna work? That's just plain ignorance and stupidity. And i'm not saying that all rap is good either, because a lot of it(mostly radio stuff) is just dance music with some dumb lyrics thrown on top. I don't see how you could especially say that Kanye is an anti-American. I wanna hear one song of his where he spits some anti-US propaganda. I haven't heard any propaganda in any of his songs, and I've listened to every song he's ever even been featured on(my favorite artist). You shouldn't forget that there's a lot of rock that sucks just as much. I grew up listening to rock(even though i'm black) but just recently(about 3 years) ive been listening to hip-hop too. There's an opposite side of the spectrum for rap AND rock. Stop being so blind and just condemning and entire genre because you don't understand it(like the Tupac line) or it just sucks.