Saturday, November 14, 2009

How would you say these things in Japanese

How would you say these things in Japanese?
How would you say the following things in Japanese? 1. My father was born in April. 2. My father is 31 years old. 3. My sister works as a waitress. 4. My brother went to school in the US. 5. My mother is Malaysian. Would it these be correct? 1. Chichi wa shigatsu de umaremashita. 父は四月で生まれました。 2. Chichi wa sanjyuuichi-sai desu 父は三十一才です。 3. Ane wa jokyuu de shigoto shiteru. 姉は女給で仕事してる。 4. Ani wa daigaku ni amerika de ikimashita. 兄は大学にアメリカで行きました。 5. Haha wa Mareeshiajin desu. 母はマレーシア人です。 *I think 2 and 5 are OK, but I am not sure how to say "go to school". Also, I think it should be "shigatsu ni umareta" but I am not sure. Thank you.
Languages - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think the kanji is correct for #2 but the romaji might be "chichi wa sanjuuichi-sai desu." [but this is from my personal knowledge]
2 :
1. not 四月で but 四月に 父は四月に生まれました。 Chichi wa shigatsu ni umaremashita. This is fine. But more commonly: 父は四月生まれです。 Chichi wa shigatsu umare desu. 2. more common to use 歳 instead of 才 父は三十一歳です。 Chichi wa sanjuuissai desu. Note: not "ichi-sai" but "issai". 3. The word 女給 is not used at all these days. Use the transliterated word ウェイトレス. 姉はウェイトレスの仕事をしています。 Ane wa weitoresu no shigoto wo shiteimasu. This is fine. But more commonly: 姉はウェイトレスをしています。 Ane wa weitoresu wo shiteimasu. 4. 兄はアメリカの大学に行きました。 Ani wa amerika no daigaku ni ikimashita. Note: If you mean that he went to the school like everday not just visited once or several times, then you should not say "ikimashita" but say "kayotteimashita(通っていました)". 兄はアメリカの大学に通っていました。 Ani wa amerika no daigaku ni kayotteimashita. 5. Good!