Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Please given some suggestion. I'm going to work in Bellevue, washington on h1b.

Please given some suggestion. I'm going to work in Bellevue, washington on h1b.?
I'm from India(Chennai). Please give suggestion on what are all the things I should bring from India? For example what are the Indian food will not be available there or much costly compared to India. The same way what are all the things are cheep compared to India?
Seattle - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
there are plenty of indian stores in wash.........and usa is famous for its good food......almost evrything under the sun is availablethere are stores selling microwavable iddlis and doas which are sometimes even better than it is here.........wish you bon vovage
2 :
There are plenty of Indian grocery stores and restaurants in the Seattle area. You are likely to find them rather more expensive than ones in India itself, but salaries are also higher. Most of the necessary ingredients for Indian cooking can be easily obtained in the Seattle area, though some things like fresh coconuts can be a little hard to find/expensive. Packaged Indian foods are easily available, some of them in regular supermarkets, not just in Indian grocery stores. If you are muslim, there are halal butchers, and Seattle is a great city to be a vegetarian. Note that most of the Indian groceries and restaurants in the Seattle have a strong northern bias with foods of the Punjab dominant. If there is a southern Indian restaurant in the area (foods of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, etc.), I have yet to find it. There are a few in Vancouver, BC.
3 :
Indian food is popular in Seattle!